Clustering Results Repository (v1.1.0)

We have prepared a repository of clustering results for problems from our Benchmark Suite (v1.1.0).

A non-interactive results catalogue is available here.


Currently, the outputs of the following methods are included. Where applicable, we considered a wide range of control parameters.

  • k-means, Gaussian mixtures, spectral, and Birch available in sklearn 0.23.1 (Python) [6, 45];

  • hierarchical agglomerative methods with the average, centroid, complete, median, Ward, and weighted/McQuitty linkages implemented in fastcluster 1.1.26 (Python/R) [44]

  • genieclust 1.0.0 (Python/R) [20, 25] (note that Genie with g=1.0 is equivalent to the single linkage algorithm);

  • Genie+Ic – Genie+Information Criterion, see [27], as implemented in genieclust 1.0.0 (Python/R).

  • fcps_nonproj – many algorithms, see [51], available via the FCPS 1.3.4 package for R, which provides a consistent interface to many other R packages (versions current as of 2023-10-21). We selected all which return an a priori-given number of clusters, and do not rely on heavy feature engineering/fancy data projections, as such methods should be evaluated separately. We did not include the algorithms that are available in other packages and are already part of this results repository, e.g., fastcluster, genieclust, and scikit-learn.

  • ITM git commit 178fd43 (Python) [43] – an “information-theoretic” algorithm based on minimum spanning trees;

  • optim_cvi — local maxima (great effort was made to maximise the probability of their being high-quality ones) of many internal cluster validity measures, including the Caliński–Harabasz, Dunn, or Silhouette index; see [26];

  • optim_cvi_mst_divisive – maximising internal cluster validity measures over Euclidean minimum spanning trees using a divisive strategy; see [27].

New results will be added in the future (note that we can only consider methods that allow for setting the precise number of generated clusters). New quality contributions are welcome.

Feature Engineering

The algorithms operated on the original data spaces, i.e., subject to only some mild preprocessing:

  • columns of zero variance have been removed;

  • a tiny amount of white noise has been added to each datum to make sure the distance matrices consist of unique elements (this guarantees that the results of hierarchical clustering algorithms are unambiguous);

  • all data were translated and scaled proportionally to assure that each column is of mean 0 and that the total variance of all entries is 1 (this is not standardisation).

Note, however, that spectral clustering and Gaussian mixtures can be considered as ones that modify the input data space.

Overall, comparisons between distance-based methods that apply automated feature engineering/selection and those that only operate on raw inputs are not exactly fair. In such settings, the classical methods should be run on the transformed data spaces as well. This is left for further research (stay tuned).